Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Youth Goddess Adrienne Barbeau visits

New Very Beauitfull Youth Goddess named Adrienne Barbeau,comes to visit and help fellow youth goddess Lacey and Jenny who wearing their low swim suits swimming in a very clear,clean and beauitful stream,they will be their for hours swimming .
Molly and Terri who are wearing their youth goddess corsets,gave New Youth Goddness Adrienne Barbreau a slow working youth serum, which her 30 years younger, Adriennie Barbeau is now a very beauiful 34 year old wearing a youth goddess low cut dress,Megan ,another youth goddess invited and brought 2 beauitful, but very cranky women,one is Kristen Stewart,she tired of making those p-16 Twlight movies,she wants to be turned back into a little girl again and start over and go back to grade school,Adrennie Beauitful uses her new youth shrink ray gun on her, while in minutes, Kristen Stewart has been turned into a 10 year old little girl,again,wearing her baggy fancy dress,she seems to be very happy,Megan uses her clothes adjuster on Kristen Stewart,now Kristen Stewart is walking around wearing dress, as a little girl.
Adrienne Barbeau got to meet a very cranky and uptight actress named Amy Brenneman who is wearing her fancy low cut,Adrienne Barbeau made and gave Amy Brenneman her 20 glasses of wine, to help her relax and Then Adrienne Barbeau conviced Amy Brennman to go behind the nearby rocks and get naked and a few minutes,Amy Brenneman took her fancy low dress and bra and underwear and became a naked woman, once Adrienne Barbeau saw Amy Brenneman as a naked 45 year old woman, with her wearing her hair down, Adrienne Barbeau gave Amy Brenneman a youth nightgown to put on to cover her naked,Amy Brenneman was given a youth serum, which was poured into a glass of wine.
Amy Brenneman drank it, she slowly got younger and younger, intill she was turned into a little girl again,standing in baggy youth nightgown, she kept getting younger, intill she regresed into a baby,which she crawled out of her youth night gown, as a naked baby girl,again, Molly put diapers on Amy Brenneman, who will crawl inside a beaitful youth goddess dress and slowly grow up to a very beauiful less cranky and uptight woman of 45 years old.

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